Welcome back to the First Flight Archery Smackdown!
This event will be a 60 arrow qualification round followed by elimination for adults, youth (Trophy divisions) will not have eliminations
We will use Lancaster scoring where the X=11 points, 10, 9, 8.....for a perfect score of 660
When shooting a 3 spot the arrows will be scored in the order they were shot
When shooting a single spot target arrows will be scored lowest to highest
Top 8 shooters in each division will qualify for eliminations, 1v8, 2v7, 3v6....
Elimination rounds will take place after the Noon shooting line (aprox 3:30pm)
People over 50 years old or under 17 can register for the adult money class if they so choose but cannt compete in both age classes
Master 50+ can change to the adult class division the day of event
line times are 8AM and NOON, each line will have approx 1 hour of open practice, then 2 official practice ends before scoring. Official practice starts at 9AM and 1PM
Entry Fees Description
All entry fees must be paid in CASH the day of th event, checks and credit cards will not be accepted
$80 for Adults with Cash awards 80% payback using the NFAA payout chart